Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Di seguito l’elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche targate @Geoscape

Investigation on Farmland Abandonment of Terraced Slopes Using Multitemporal Data Sources Comparison and Its Implication on Hydro-Geomorphological Processes

G. Pepe, A. Mandarino, E. Raso, P. Scarpellini, P. Brandolini, A. Cevasco

Water 2019, 11(8), 1552;

MAREGOT project experience: Integrated approach to understanding coastal dynamics behaviour

L. Carpi, L. Mucerino, G. Besio, N. Corradi, M. Ferrari 

2019 IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea Genoa, Italy, October 3-5, 2019

Rip current hazard assessment on a sandy beach in Liguria, NW Mediterranean

L. Mucerino, L. Carpi, C. F. Schiaffino, E. Pranzini, E. Sessa, M. Ferrari

Nat Hazards (2020).

Effects of a severe storm on seagrass meadows

A. Oprandi, L. Mucerino, F. De Leo, C.N. Bianchi, C. Morri, A. Azzola, F. Benelli, G. Besio, M. Ferrari, M. Montefalcone

Science of The Total Environment, 748, 2020,

Land capability classification of Vernazza catchment, Cinque Terre National Park, Italy

C. Scopesi, S. Olivari, M. Firpo, P. Scarpellini, S. Pini, I. Rellini

Journal of Maps,2020, 16:2, 357-362, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2020.1750067

Short-Term GIS Analysis for the Assessment of the Recent Active-Channel Planform Adjustments in a Widening, Highly Altered River: The Scrivia River, Italy

A. Mandarino, G. Pepe, M. Maerker, A. Cevasco, P. Brandolini

Water 2020, 12(2), 514;

Biophysical Accounting of Forests’ Value under Different Management Regimes: Conservation vs. Exploitation 

P. Vassallo, C. Turcato, I. Rigo, C. Scopesi, A. Costa, M. Barcella, G. Dapueto, M.Mariotti, C. Paoli  

Sustainability 2021, 13(9), 4638;

Detached breakwaters, yes or not? A modelling approach to evaluate and plan their removal

L.Carpi, M. Bicenio, L. Mucerino, M. Ferrari

Ocean & Coastal Management  2021, 105668 ;

L.Carpi, L. Mucerino, G. Bonello, G. Besio, M. Ferrari

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2021, Volume 262, 07579, ISSN 0272-7714,