Coastal modelling

Coastal modelling Coastal modelling is an innovative tool at the service of coastal management and planning. We provide numerical simulations to support nourishment interventions planning. This application consents to evaluate nourishment interventions in relation to...

Coastal monitoring

  Coastal monitoring The monitoring of coastal erosion is a key point to ponder the interventions to contrast it. We provide monitoring of beach erosion processes, necessary for an accurate assessment of the extent of the phenomenon. Monitoring can be provided...

Field survey and sampling

Field survey and sampling We provide ecological surveys and samplings in the coastal environment, through direct and indirect methods. Benthological surveys, sampling and surveys on Posidonia oceanica meadows, visual census. Geomorphological surveys (GNSS RTK) for...

Laboratory analyses

Laboratory analyses Laboratory analyses permit the interpretation of the data collected in the field. We provide grain size analyses (including pelites’), necessary for the sedimentological classification of beaches and sedimentary bodies in general. Grain size...